Latchkey Room: (989) 845-8099 ext. 15208
Latchkey Program Director
Carrie Dempsey
Big Rock Elementary
989-845-8099 ext. 15004
Latchkey 6 -Week Summer Program
More information and registration for 2024-2025 will be coming soon.
What We Do:
Serve a light breakfast and after school snack.
Provide fun for your child, with plenty of outdoor/indoor activities, arts & crafts, computer time, games, snacks and homework time if needed.
Provide peace of mind for parents!
Serving Who:
Preschool through 5th Grade
Room 208 at Big Rock Elementary School
920 E. Broad Street, Chesaning, MI 48616
Hours of Service:
6:00 am - 6:00 pm
We are open all scheduled school days, which includes ½ days(we are opened all day), 2 hour delays (we still open at 6am.) and we are open if school is cancelled after children arrive.
We are NOT OPEN on scheduled days off, or if school is cancelled before latchkey starts at 6am.
Registration Fee:
$10.00 Registration fee/ family / year
Hourly Cost:
$3.50/hour for 1st and 2nd child
$3.00 for 3rd child
$10.00 a week minimum charge/family