The following tip shares the impact that is made when you read with your child. We have a short video and article to follow. Our hope is that it helps strengthen the time you share reading with your child.
Click here to view - Four tips teachers recommend for getting your child engaged with reading
Watch this video on ways to build your child's vocabulary while reading with them each night. An enriched vocabulary has a direct connection to a child's academic success. Other ways you can build your child's vocabulary:
Have meaningful conversations.
Describe and name things that are in your environment.
Talk about what your child is interested in.
Be interactive with your conversations, share and comment and then wait for your child to share.
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Cooking with your parents/guardians is not only fun, but it can also help you learn new skills and make healthy meals together. Plus, it’s a great way to spend quality time with your family! So, why not offer to help out in the kitchen next time your parents/guardians are cooking? You’ll be surprised how much you can learn and how proud you’ll feel of the delicious meal you helped create.